Semiofest 2015, Paris
We had an amazing time in Paris this year. Once again, the spirit of sharing and thinking around semiotics and culture was present among the participants. An interesting bunch of applied semiotics practitioners from all around the world (we confirmed we had people from the five continents this year!) talked, discussed and thought about many subjects: from luxury and innovation to museums and illustrated books. The relationship and bonding of a space and its users was explored by our Ximena Tobi, with the case study of the Social Sciences faculty at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Gabriela Pedranti participated in a round table about technology, big data and semiotics in the 21st century.
The venue was very nice and it made us feel at home immediately: the Maison de l’Architecture, next to the Garde del’Est.
This year we had a very interesting and innovative workshop: working with clients from two important French companies, who posed a problem we solved (or at least, gave some interesting lines of thinking to do so) in 2 hours. It was great to work with people from all around the world in actual projects.
Chris Arning wrote an excellent article about it. You can read it here.

Theo Van Leeuwen with Semiofest Founders

Some moments at Semiofest Paris.